Lars Klevstrand - song & guitar
Love is universal, but none have been singing about love as the Italians, on the street, in restaurants and at the opera! Everybody knows O Sole Mio and Santa Lucia. But there are many more songs, and you don't nedd to be an Italian tenor to sing them. What about a Norwegian troubadour ... this is Lars Klevstrand - completely solo on a recording for the first time! To his own guitar accompaniment, he sings Neapolitan - in Norwegian, reinterpreted by Bodil M. Dyb.
Producer: Lars Klevstrand
Digital editing: Lars Klevstrand
Recorded at Vidaråsen Landsby, 1995
Released in 1995 by Quattro AS, Oslo, Norway
1 Den blåe grotte
2 Ein vals for mi von
3 Å, dette hjartet!
4 Blomen til deg
5 Kva skal eg gjere då?
6 Nå har du reist
7 Marknadsvise
8 Kveldsfugl
9 Vise for ville poetar
10 Kjærleikssong
11 Ein gammal røvar
12 Kva var det vel vi sa?
13 Nå vil eg bort
14 Tiriltungeenga
15 Dansevise
16 Avskilssong